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Medilingua Hungarica

Polyglotter Fachübersetzer seit 35 Jahren



Native language




Law / Certificates
Arts / Entertainment
Non-fiction books



Microsoft Office


Additional services

Language instruction



   Career / Experience


Dutch > English
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Dutch > German
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Dutch > French
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Dutch > Italian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Dutch > Romanian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Dutch > Hungarian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

English > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting

English > French
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

English > Italian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

English > Romanian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

English > Moldavian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

English > Hungarian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

French > Moldavian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

French > Romanian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

French > English
  - Translating

French > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting

French > Hungarian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

French > Italian
  - Translating

German > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting

German > French
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting

German > Italian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

German > Romanian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting

German > Moldavian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

German > Hungarian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Voiceover
  - Copywriting

Hungarian > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

Hungarian > Romanian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

Hungarian > Italian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

Hungarian > Moldavian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Hungarian > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Voiceover
  - Copywriting

Hungarian > French
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

Italian > French
  - Translating

Italian > English
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Italian > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

Italian > Romanian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

Italian > Hungarian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

Italian > Moldavian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Latin > German
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Latin > English
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Latin > French
  - Translating

Latin > Italian
  - Translating

Latin > Romanian
  - Translating

Latin > Moldavian
  - Translating

Latin > Hungarian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Moldavian > French
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

Moldavian > German
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Moldavian > English
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Moldavian > Italian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Moldavian > Hungarian
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Romanian > Hungarian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting

Romanian > Italian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

Romanian > English
  - Translating
  - Proofreading

Romanian > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting

Romanian > French
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading

2007. September: Beeidigung als öffentliche bestellter Übersetzer durch den LG-Präsidenten Passau
2007 (1. Juli): Wiederaussiedlung nach Deutschland, Bayern
2001: Miteigentümer der „Medilingua“ KG für medizinische und sprachliche Dienstleistungen Budapest.
1994-2000: Niederlassung als Fachübersetzer in Budapest.
1985-1990: Mitarbeiter des Fremdsprachen-Institutes Saarbrücken (FIS) Mohammad S. Esquelli
1988-: „Für die Gerichte und Notare des Saarlandes beeidigter Übersetzer-Dolmetscher-Korrespondent-Berater:

19991-1992: Generalsekretär des Woltungarnbundes, Budapest
17-20.5.1991: Ungarisch-italienischer Chirurgentreff mit Präsentierung des Ministeriums in Verona, Italien - Mitorganisator; Dolmetscher“
1990-1991: Hauptabteilungsleiter im Ungarischen Ministerium für Volkswohlfahrt (Gesundheit und Soziales), Berater des parlamentarischen Staatssekretärs
1970-73: Fremdsprachen-Korrespondent im (damaligen) Ungarischen Institut für Marktforschung (OPK), Budapest - des Binnenhandelsministeriums (Marketing).
1970-80: Mitarbeiter der Ungarischen Amtsstelle für Übersetzungen und Beglaubigungen (OFFI, gegr. 1860), Budapest - des Justizministeriums und (juristische und naturwissenschaftliche Texte) des Übersetzungs- und Dokumentationsbüros (NIMDOK) des (damaligen) Ministeriums für Schwerindustrie, Budapest (administrativ-juristische und pharmazeutische Texte)

1988: Staatliche Übersetzerprüfungen hohen Grades der ungarischen Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprachen, veranstaltet vom Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus, München (Deutschland)
1987-90: Studium an der Universität des Saarlandes Fachbereich Rechtwissenschaften, Saarbrücken (Deutschland)

1972: Staatliche Sprachprüfungen hohen Grades für Außenhandel in Deutsch, Französisch und Rumänisch (Universität der Wissenschaften ELTE Budapest)
1970 - Abitur im Deutschen Lyceum, Section Realwissenschaften, Neu-Arad, Banat, Rumänien
Schulunterricht in Ungarisch, Deutsch, Rumänisch, Russisch, Englisch, Französisch, Latein. Selbstunterricht in Italienisch, Niederländisch.
Väterlicher und Privatsprachunterricht in Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Rumänisch.
Mit 4 Jahren: Lesen und Schreiben (Autodidakt).

Eigene Werke

DR. KELEMEN ANDRÁS, DR. MAYER ZOLTÁN, NAGY ÁGOTA : In the course of public welfare policy: (A népjóléti tevékenység áramában) original in Hungarian and translated also to English),

Study on the Spontaneous Privatization of Some Budapest Companies, made for the Hungarian Government, Chancellery Ministry

Pharmindex Kompendium 1997 (MediMedia Kft./Ltd.Co., Bp.) Computerized Editing (Access Data Base) in Hungarian

„Großes Ungarisches Lexikon“ (Nagy Magyar Lexikon) des Ungarischen Akademieverlages, Bad VI. (medizinische Stichwörter)



BETTERIDGE: Animal embryo transfer (Translation from Canadian English into Hungarian), manuscript;
SCHNEIDER, Kurt: Klinische Psychopathologie (Manual. Translation: from German into Hungarian), manuscript
SZUNYOGHY, András: The Anatomy of the Horse for Artists (A ló muvészeti anatómiája). Manual. Translation into English, German, French, Italian for Corvina Editions Budapest. Manuscript
House Doctor’s ABC - Volume I (Medicine for Everyone - an Encyclopaedia of flying pages) 1998., Meister Verlag München - Mester Kiadó Budapest (Translated from German into Hungarian)
SATZ, Paul, Neuropsychological Laboratory, University of Florida, US National Institutes of Health Fund: Pathological left-handedness: an explanatory model, Neuropsychologia, Milano, Italy
KERSHNER, John R.: Ocular-manual laterality and dual ahemisphere specialization, Neuropsychologia, Milano, Italy (E>H, 1980)
FINLAYSON, Bridwell MD, PhD, FACS: Calcium stones: some physical and clinical aspects, Chapter 10
FLEISCH, Herbert, Graham R., Russel, G.: Experimental studies, Chaper 9: Experimental ans clinical studies with pyrophosphate and diphosphonates
Comparative Studies on Horizontal and Vertical Births (Translation from Hungarian into English)
Medical Study on Handedness (Translation from Hungarian into English)
Practical Application of Anus Praeternaturalis Sacks (3 Video Cassetttes from Wolverhampton English Dialect into Hungarian)
Medical Research Programs(Translation from Hungarian into German)
Information Package for Firm Representants - Energet Rt. Sz. E. T. Nutricients (Translation from Hungarian into German)
Licence Contract: Sonotherapy (Translation from Hungarian into English)
TFB – the Specialist of Alternative Motoric System Apparates (Product Guide)
Study on the Caesarean Section (Translation from Hungarian to English)
Allianz Versicherungen: Operation List
WATEC – Description of water-filters
Guide Book for the Baths of Budapest (edited by the Budapest City Spa Direction). Translation from Hungarian to German)
Pall – Information Sheets for Pharmaceutical Filters – Training in the Hungarian Chinoin Factory for Pharmacological Products (Interpretation)
Frank, Ken: Training for Operators, Chinoin (Pall-Filters, consecutive interpretation from Yorkish English)
Datta S., Datta, S.C.: Spray reagents for the detection of-p-phenylazophenylthiohydantoins of amino acids on silica gel plates, J. of Chromatography, E-H for Chinoin Budapest
Kruse, K., Francke, W., König, W.A.: Gas chromatography separation of chiral alcohols, amino alcohols and amines, J. of Chromatography, Elsevier, 1979
Catt, K.J., Harwood, J.P., Aguilera, G.: Hormonal regulation of peptide receptors and target response, Nature, London
LePage, J.N., Lindner, W., Davies, G., Seitz, D.E., Karger, B.L.: Resolution of the optical isomers of dansyl amino acid by reversed phase liquid chromatography with optically active metal chelate additives, Analytical Chemistry, E-H for Chinoin Budapest
Bloom, Barry R., Albert Ei nstein College, Bronx, N.Y., Nature, May 3rd, 1979, London: The behaviour of parasitres of wild living animals: How do overcome the immunity control?

Sozialpolitische Texte:

Manual for Quality Insurance, for Bukovsky Institute Budapest, 1998,
Ministry of the Chancellery : Hungary in the new Europe (Miniszterelnöki Hivatal: Magyarország az új Európában) on Modernization and Becoming Citizen – Chatpter: H uman Resources, 1995 (Translation into English).
Dr. Molnár, Péter - Dr. Szego, Szilvia: Modernization and Human Resources (Modernizáció és humán eroforrások) (a Volume of Studies) – Translation from Hungarian into German
D.O.X.A. Sociological Statistical Questionnaires (Tanslation from the Italian made for the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Studies on Measures against Youth Disemployment in Italy (Translation from the Italian into Hungarian made for the same)
Szego Szilvia Ph.D.: Quo vadis familia? (Where do Your go, oh Family?) – a Statistical Study, Translation into German
A Serial of Working Place Questionaires (Translation from Hungarian to English)
Study Project of the International Fund for the Assistence of Hungarian Training, Study and Development (Nemzetközi Alapítvány a Magyar Oktatás, Kutatás és Fejlesztés Támogatásáért): (Translation into English)
Jud Nirenberg: Fundraising for Non-Profit Organizations (Translation from English into Romanian)
National Pedagogical Workshop (Nemzeti Pedagógus Muhely Budapest , Chairman: Dr. Baranyi, Károly – Association “Mut zur Ethik”, Switzerland): Lectures hold on the serial Conferences “Courage for Ethics” (Bátorság az etikához) in Budapest, 1999 and 2000 (Translation from and to German)


Siklósi, Gyula: Gothische Maßwerkfenster in Ungarn (Gothic Wiundow Ornaments (Dissertation at Loránd-de-Eötvös-University of Sciences Budapest, Chair for Archeology) [ungarisch>deutsch], gedruckt von der Universität der WQissenschaften zu Budapest
Mora & Philippot: Restauration de peintures murales (Resoration of Wall Paintings), Centro di Restauro Roma, Italy [French-Hungarian], Manuscript for the Restoration Centre for Museums in Budapest
Catalogue of the Exhibition “Historical Hungarian Playing Cards” (Translation from Hungarian into German), 2006
Major, Gyula: A Book on Old German Wineyards in Budapest of the XVIII-XIXth Centuries (Régi budai boroskönyv, Altes Ofener Weinbuch) – Translation from Hungarian into German
“Hollóko” (a multilingual Guide of the World Heritage Protected Village iun Northern Hungary) – Translation from Hungarian into German, French and English
“Greece” – Guide, Toubis Editions, Athenes (Retranslated from English to Hungarian)
French Sunday Preaches Translated for the Franciscan Convent of Buda (1972, nto Hungarian) – Edited 2005
Budapest Baths (into German),
Nostradamus Centuries from Old French etc.
The Danube bend. History and Trips (CD) in printing.


   Pricing / Other services


0,10 € per word.


   Certification / Accreditation


Hungarian > German

Langericht Passau für ganz Bayern

German > Hungarian

Landgericht Passau

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