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Charles Ferguson

"Do what you do do well."


United Kingdom

Native language







Microsoft Office


Professional Memberships



Conges Points
(last 12 months)

French > English
Medical  12


   Career / Experience


French > English
  - Translating

Italian > English
  - Translating

Portuguese > English
  - Translating

Spanish > English
  - Translating

I am a practising physician and work part time in Cardiology in a local hospital. Before going to medical school I was a teacher of modern languages having gained a degree in Spanish and Portuguese in 1960. I have also lived/worked in France and have studied Italian. Qualifications in both languages. I have been translating medical documents, mainly hospital discharge letters since 1983.
I feel my strength is that I am familiar with both foreign languages and medical terminology.
Since retirement from full time clinical work I have been working as a freelance translator for several agencies.
Full member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists in London.


   Pricing / Other services


Medical Translation: £70 per 1000 words target language and pro rata. No minimum fee. Payment within 30 days. Proof reading of my work can be arranged but fee will be set by sub-contractor.
You may care to visit my website


   Certification / Accreditation


Spanish > English

Chartered Institute of Linguists (London). Full membership.

3340 visits to this profile.

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