English > Spanish
- Translating
French > Spanish
- Translating
German > Spanish
- Translating
Portuguese > Spanish
- Translating - Proofreading
Russian > Spanish
- Translating
Spanish > English
- Translating
Retired pediatrician with 35 years´ experience in Pediatrics and Radiology- Ultrasound in Montevideo, Uruguay.
My main foreign language is English.
I have a very good knowledge of French and German. I spent some 14 months in Germany in the seventies, on a DAAD scholarship.
I have an acceptable knowledge of Brazilian Portuguese, having passed the international Celpes examination and visited Brazil several times in the last decade.
I have studied Russian for several years at private institutions and have passed the A2 level official examination (score: 82/100).
Medical translations are my specialty.
I have done medical translations (ES-EN, EN-ES, DE-EN, DE-ES) for a consulting firm based in Italy since 2004, for a French agency in 2008-2009 and have been doing transcriptions of medical interviews for a UK marketing firm since February 2010 (total over 30 hours). I have also translated expert reports and handwritten medical notes for a Spanish agency specializing in expert reports concerning accident victims since 2006.
I have also done some subtitling.
I have translated several manuals (ventilators, heart monitor, anesthesia machine) and consent/assent forms for an English agency since 2016.
Pricing / Other services
0.060-0.090 USD per source word.
0.055-0.085 € per source word.
Certification / Accreditation
English >
Cambridge University: Diploma of English Studies, Grade II First Division, 1970. Anglo-Uruguayan Cultural Institute: On-line Translation Course, Very Good, 2001.
Spanish >
Cambridge University: Diploma of English Studies, Grade II First Division, 1970. Anglo-Uruguayan Cultural Institute: On-line Translation Course, Very Good, 2001.
French >
Brevet (Félicitations du Jury), Alliance Française, Montevideo, 1959.
Universidad de la República (Montevideo): Francés 2º, MBB, 2004.
German >
Universidad de la República (Montevideo): Alemán 2º, MB, 2004.
ZOP: Gesamtnote Gut (Goethe-Institut, Montevideo, 2001)
I was a DAAD scholar for two periods (1974-1976, 1997) in Germany.
Portuguese >
Celpes Intermediário Superior, ICUB Montevideo representing the
Brazilian government (Foreign Office and Department of Education), 2009.
Russian >
Instituto Fénix (private institution, the University does not offer Russian courses in Montevideo), 2010- 2016.
A2 level (score: 82/100) by House of Russia in Buenos Aires, representing the Pushkin Institute, November 2019.
Pediatrics, Radiology, Ultrasound, Child abuse, Neonatology