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Luis Francisco Valle V.

I´ll meet your deadline!






Additional services



My name is Luis Francisco Valle and I am a Legal Translator from La Paz, Bolivia. I have been a translator since 2002. With regards to my Academic experience, I have a B.S. in International Business from King's College in Pennsylvania, USA; and a Bachelor of Laws from Universidad Privada Boliviana in La Paz, Bolivia. I am a lawyer registered in the Bolivian Ministry of Justice since 2009. I currently work as a freelance translator for the 4 best law firms in Bolivia translating legal documents from Spanish to English and viceversa. I also work translating legal documents for one of the largest Translation Agencies in the world. This company, based in New York, USA, provides me with daily work translating legal documents for Fortune 500 companies.

I am fast, accurate and know my legal terminology. I know that time is crucial when dealing with legal documents; I'll meet your deadline!

Pricing/Other services

Just ask me for a quote. My prices are very competitive. I accept PayPal.


freeelance, translator, translations, traducciones, luis, francisco, valle, trabajos de traduccion, traduccion, translation


Native language/Country

Spanish / Bolivia

Language combinations

English > Spanish
  - Translating
Spanish > English
  - Translating



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