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accurate, reliable and professional





Sciences/Non-fiction books


Microsoft Office
SDL Trados




- State-examined translator / Staatl. gepr. Übersetzerin

- sworn translator for the English language / Öffentl. bestellte und allg. beeidigte Übersetzerin

I apply the strictest criteria to ensure that my translations are always of the same high quality.
Before delivering an assignment to a customer, I make sure that every translation is proofread with the utmost care by reliable colleagues who are native speakers of the target language.

areas of expertise:
- medicine and pharmacy (clinical studies, patient information, informed consent forms (ICFs), SmPC)
- science (e.g. chemistry, biology, biochemistry, geology)
- press releases (medical, scientific)

- Medizin und Pharmazie (klinische Studien, Patienteninformationen, Fachinformationen)
- Naturwissenschaften (Chemie, Biologie, Biochemie, Geologie)
- Pressemitteilungen (medizinisch, naturwissenschaftlich)

Pricing/Other services

Special prices for translaton agencies per standard line of the source text:
(one standard line consists of 55 characters including spaces)

0.70 EUR general texts (e.g. curriculum vitae, newsletter)
0.75 EUR scientific and other specialised texts

Word prices for translations agencies (source word):
0.09 EUR general texts
0.10 EUR scientific and other specialised texts

Minimum charge:
15.00 EUR general + specialised texts
20.00 EUR certificates, reports, diploma etc.

Certification: (German-English/English-German)
5.00 EUR

Other customers:
Please visit

Certification / Accreditation /
Sworn translator

German > English
Sworn translator at the Regional Court of Nürnberg-Fürth

English > German
Sworn translator at the Regional Court of Nürnberg-Fürth


English, Englisch, German, Deutsch, translator, Übersetzer, science, scienes, Naturwissenschaften, biology, Biologie, biotechnology, Biotechnologie, chemistry, Chemie, geology, Geologie, medicine, Medizin, pharmacy, Pharmazie, drugs, medicines, medication, Arzneimittel, Medikamente, klinische Studien, clinical trials, clinical studies, Patienteninformation, patient information, informed consent form, ICF, consent form, Fachinformation, SmPC, Summary of Product Characteristis, press releases, Pressemitteilungen, scientific, naturwissenschaftlich, curriculum vitae, Lebensläufe, certified translations, beglaubigte Übersetzungen, Beglaubigung, certificates, diploma, birth certificates, sworn translator, Zeugnisse, Geburtsurkunden, beeidigter Übersetzer, vereidigter Übersetzer, quality, Qualität, reliability, Zuverlässigkeit


Native language/Country

German / Germany

Language combinations

English > German
  - Translating
German > English
  - Translating



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