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Spanish Translations

Process Engineer, 5 years of experience





Sciences/Non-fiction books


I'm a Process Engineer specialized in Biotechnology and Chemistry with 5 years experience in technical and scientific translations:
Biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry, oils and fats, chemistry,
laboratory, machinery, projects, installations and industrial processes.

I have translated user’s manuals of machines for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry and some articles for magazines. I am also willing to do general texts as well.

Due to my concept of quality translations, I have achieved a long term relation with my customers and I invite you to keep me in mind for any future jobs.

Pricing/Other services

USD 0.03 per source word for non-technical texts
USD 0.05 per source word for technical and specialized texts
USD 20 per hour for proofreading

Prices negotiable

Delivery time depends on severity and size of the document (1500 - 2000 words / day)

Certification / Accreditation /
Sworn translator

English > Spanish
Universidad Eafit and Lexicom


Biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry, oils and fats, chemistry, laboratory, machinery, projects, installations, industrial processes, machine-building, technical translations, process engineering


Native language/Country

Spanish / Colombia

Language combinations

English > Spanish
  - Translating
  - Proofreading



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