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María Teresa González Núñez

Working together to offer you the best services







Language pairs

German - Spanish
Spanish - German in collaboration with a German native speaker
German in collaboration with a German native speaker
English - Spanish

Specialization fields

Translation, editing and proofreading in the following fields: general, publicity, culture, linguistics, literature, tourismus, the theory of literature, children`s books, education, cooking, cosmetics, Spanish and English as a second language and writing in Spanish as a second language

Educational background

Courses on translation at the University of Caceres and UNED (Unversidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)

Postgraduate courses on translation, language learning / acquisition and theoretical and applied linguistics in Seville (Spain) and Cambridge (UK)

Postgraduate Diploma in the topic: „Aspects of Textual Equivalence between English and Spanish languages: the units of analysis (definition, problems and application)

Degree in English at the University of Seville

Let us know your needs and we will transform them into words

Some projects we have worked in:

- Writing and editing of educational books for German major Publishing houses
- Editing of a medical book and articles for Spanish important publishing houses
- Translation and editing of children books for a leading Swiss publishing house
- Editing of German novels for a small German Publishing house
- Translation of Texts, publicity brochure, letters and websites for several companies and institutions
- Spanish tuition and cultural training

Pricing/Other services

Language and cultural training

Internet research

Materials for Spanish as a second language

Contact me for a quote


English, Spanish, German, translation, editing, proofreading, writing, language training, materials for Spanish as a second language, cultural training, children’s books, education, linguistics, cooking, advertising, public relations, cosmetics, fashion, clothes, tourismus


Native language/Country

Spanish / Germany

Language combinations

English > Spanish
  - Translating
  - Proofreading
German > Spanish
  - Translating
  - Proofreading
Spanish > German
  - Translating
  - Proofreading



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