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Silvina C. Jover

SP - EN - IT - High quality, culturally accurate & on time jobs at affordable prices!





Sciences/Non-fiction books

Additional services

Desktop Publishing (DTP)





·International Baccalaureate Diploma (December 1997)
·Universidad de la Republica (UdelaR) – Facultad de Derecho / Montevideo, UY
Law Undergraduate (1999-2002)


·Namaskar Trading Company
June 2000 – March 2002
Sales and import clerk
Assisted in coordination of business expansion into China
Translator – Interpreter

·MITC Investment Company - AGROS
June 2002 – January 2003
Assistant to management
Duties included, but not limited to:
International correspondence (Angola, Uruguay)
Public relations
Extensive executive administrative duties
Translator – Interpreter

·Automotive industry – Classic/Antique Cars - Import / Export Company
February 2003 – August 2004
Uruguay – Argentina - USA
Personal Interpreter & Translator

·Freelance Translator – Interpreter – Proofreader
September 2004 - Present

Pricing/Other services

U$D 0.05 per word non-technical projects

U$D 0.06 - U$D 0.10 per word technical projects

Proofreadings: U$D 0.025 per word for all types of documents

Rush jobs: Add U$D 0.02 per word for all types of documents

Hourly rate: U$D 25 - U$D 30

Certification / Accreditation /
Sworn translator

English > Spanish
·Trinity College London
Spoken English for Speakers of Other Languages
(November 1991)

·University of Cambridge
First Certificate in English
(December 1994)

·St. Catherine’s School (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Certificate of English Language Studies
“The courses were based on syllabi set by the Department and the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford”
(November 1997)

Spanish > English
·Trinity College London
Spoken English for Speakers of Other Languages
(November 1991)

·University of Cambridge
First Certificate in English
(December 1994)

·St. Catherine’s School (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Certificate of English Language Studies
“The courses were based on syllabi set by the Department and the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford”
(November 1997)


trados, spanish, english, italian, legal, business, finance, music, advertising, marketing, subtitles, technical, non-technical, general, history, political science, literature, IT, automotive, industry, translation, translations, proofreading, proofreadings, proof-readings, transcription, transcriptions, interpreter, interpretations, translator, contracts, law, commerce, human resources, Information Technology, sociology, travel, tourism, transport, transportation, shipping, patents, accounting, public relations, agriculutre, anthropology, banking, cars, auto, cinema, film, TV, drama, communications, telecommunications, computers, hardware, software, manual, manuals, user manuals, brochures, employee manual, employee manuals, economics, education, pedagogy, electronics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, energy, power creation, science, mechanics, gaming, casino, games, conversation, greetings, letters, geography, hotels, insurance, international, internet, e-commerce, investment, securities, journalism, labor, labour, real estate, trademarks, copyrights, taxes, taxation, customs, export, import, leisure, logistics, mechanical, machinery, tools, machinery-tools, media, multimedia, medical, networking, network, philosophy, power, psychology, retail, religion, sports, fitness, recreation, video games, editing, video editing, health care, tecnico, general, espanol, ingles, italiano, legal, derecho, contratos, minutas, comercial, financiero, bancario, banca, cartas, psicologia, historia, literatura, libros, novelas, best sellers, manuales, manuales de operaciones, correccion, revision, impuestos, patentes, derechos de autor, certificados, documentos, deportes, tiempo libre, internet, tecnologia de la informacion, TI, IT, manuales para empleados


Native language/Country

Spanish / United States

Language combinations

English > Spanish
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting
Italian > English
  - Translating
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting
Italian > Spanish
  - Translating
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting
Spanish > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting



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