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We of­fer re­li­gious trans­la­tion ser­vic­es from and in­to 75 lan­guag­es. His­to­ry of re­li­gious trans­la­tions is as old as the his­to­ry of man­kind. Our trans­la­tors of­fer re­li­gious trans­la­tion ser­vic­es to re­li­gious or­gan­i­za­tions, and in­di­vid­u­als. We are a multireligious, mul­ti­lin­gual, mul­ti­ra­cial, and multicultural com­mu­ni­ty of pro­fes­sion­al trans­la­tors. Our pro­fes­sion­al trans­la­tors fo­cus on o­rig­i­nal and in­ter­pre­tive texts from a di­verse ar­ray of re­li­gions.

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