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Request for translation quotes from freelance translators / translation agencies
Englisch > Deutsch: Kinderbuch, 5158 Wörter
Es handelt sich um ein Kinderbuch. Die Geschichte spielt im Dublin der 1920er Jahre. Ein Welpe namens Sunny ist das Weihnachtsgeschenk für den kleinen Mark. Sunny ist sehr neugierig und geht in der großen Stadt verloren. Mit der Hilfe von zwei Straßenhunden, die in der Guinnessfabrik leben, versucht sie pünktlich zu Weihnachten wieder zu Hause zu sein. Aber eine Bande Ratten haben andere Pläne...
Das Buch hat 5158 Wörter auf 25 Seiten.
Wir hätten die Übersetzung gerne zeitnah, da wir die Veröffentlichung auf Deutsch für spätestens September planen.
Chapter 1
It is the 23 December 1922. It’s a cold, bleak evening with a thick fog hanging over the water as the canal boat makes its way down the canal, dropping off its precious cargo on its last run until after the New Year.
The canal boat slowly pulls into the dock at the back of O’Connell’s Pub. The captain shouts to his first mate, “Johnny, grab that rope and throw it over to Paddy so he can secure the boat!” Johnny throws the rope and says “Howdy, Paddy!”
“Hello there Johnny. Cold enough for ya?”
“It sure is nippy. How’s all the family?” asks Johnny.
“All good and yours?”
“Can’t complain.” Paddy wraps the thick wet rope around the big iron cleat, he shakes hands with Johnny and then the captain.
“I have a nice big order here for you. Twenty barrels in total,” says the captain.
“That’ll do us until after the new year and then some.” says Paddy.
Just then Paddy’s wife comes out with a big smile on her face and a parcel of Christmas gifts for the crew, as well as a nice hot cup of tea.
“There ya are now; that will warm you up,” she says with a smile.
“Oh, to be sure it will. Thank you very much, Maggie. How are the boys?” asks the captain.
At that moment, little Mark looks out from behind his mother’s long dress.
“Ah, there you are now little man. Are you all ready for Christmas? I hope you’ve been a good boy and you’re not on any naughty list.”
“No sir, I sure am not!” Mark says as he looks up at his mammy with a little grin.
“He’s been a very good boy,” she says. “Sure, so has Thomas!” she adds, as the men turn around and see the curtain in a window move where Marks older brother is looking out at them.
“Oh well, them barrels won’t unload themselves,” says Johnny and the men start to roll the big wooden barrels from the barge to the dock and then down into the pub cellar.
Specialization required
Language pair(s)
> German
Native language: German
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