Questions & Answers
How to post a request?
Enter your project description in the form to the left and submit.

How will I be notified of
Subject-matter-specific, native speaking language professionals will enter
their quotes into a standardized form with TRADUguide. You will be
notified of each quote. An advanced job management tool makes all quotes
immediately comparable. You can see all quotes at a glance and easily select
the right one.

Why enter a sample paragraph?
It allows the translators to assess your request and provide you with better
price quotes.

Actual vs. potential project?
Select Actual project if you need free no-obligation quotes for an
actual project.
Select Potential project if you just wish to know what a project will
cost or what the terms of delivery, etc. might be.

What does this service cost?
Nothing. You may post your projects and receive free no-obligation quotes
at no cost. There is no percentage going to a third party. But of course
the translation itself is not free.