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Conges terminology question

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23 months ago

bravo (a guest user) asked this question:

Language pair:

English > French



Level of diffculty:

Easy / medium

Word or term in question:

statutory and regulatory permits


The Provider shall obtain and maintain in force all licences, permissions, authorisations, consents and permits (statutory and regulatory permits) needed to perform the Services in accordance with this agreement.



The answer of CMD  See profile was rated best

autorisations légales et réglementaires

My comment:

i.e. "autorisations prévues par la loi et imposées/fixées par un règlement"

ad réglementaire -> relatif à un règlement administratif -> i.e. décision administrative qui impose une règle générale

ad autorisation -> i.e. "droit accordé" mais aussi "l'acte écrit par lequel on autorise" -> permis (syn.)!

statutory -> fixed or controlled by law
regulatory ->> required by authoritative rule/order/standard
permit i.e. licence granted by an authority