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Conges terminology question

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1 month ago

Rosa (a guest user) asked this question:

Language pair:

French > English



Level of diffculty:

Easy / medium

Word or term in question:



Footer of a Repport d'IRM encéphalique:

S.E.L.A.R.L. de Médecins Cap. ### 000 euros - No Conseil de l’Ordre ##
Appareil: OPTIMA MR 450 – PACS: OPALE

Cannot find or figure out Cap., for some reason. I keep coming up with things like Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle, which doesn't seem to fit here.



The answer of CMD  See profile was rated best

[... with invested share] capital of ###000 euros

My comment:

S.E.L.A.R.L. = Société d’Exercice Libéral à Responsabilité Limitée, i.e. a legal form of a commercial entity for liberal professions, the exclusive purpose is the practice of the profession - here: the practice of medicine carried out by one or more doctors on one or more sites.

"S.E.L.A.R.L. de Médecins Cap. ### 000 euros"
Cap. = le capital social
==> Doctors' (group or joint) office/practice as a limited liability company (i.e. a corporation) with invested share capital of ###000 euros

Such medical office/practice as a limited liability company is based on a minimum share capital (or corporate or partnership capital) to start up business!

My references: