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Conges terminology question

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11 months ago

Rosa (a guest user) asked this question:

Language pair:

French > English


Law / Certificates

Level of diffculty:

Easy / medium

Word or term in question:

Liste A (Des, Cout., Mus., ...)


From a relevé de notes from Senegal. This is listed as a course name under matières, under épreuves facultatives. The line after this says
Liste B (Langues...). The closest translation I found is really still almost identical to the original (Desm Cout, Mus…), so just wondering if anyone actually knows what these means?



The answer of CMD  See profile was rated best

List A (Drawing, Tailoring, Music)

My comment:

Des = dessin, this is "drawing (art)"
Cout = couture, this is "dress making", also called: "sewing and tailoring" or "textile"
Mus. = musique, this is "music"