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Conges terminology question

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27 months ago

Rosa (a guest user) asked this question:

Language pair:

French > English


Law / Certificates

Level of diffculty:

Easy / medium

Word or term in question:

en retour d'équerre au fond


In a real estate context:

Un bâtiment contigu en retour d'équerre au fond, élevé sur terre plein d'un rez de chaussée et d'un premier étage

So, this is what I think..."en retour d'équerre" meaning at right angles, but then I'm not getting "au fond" the back? Or on the bottom? Ugh, in theory simple words but still unclear



The answer of   See profile was rated best

an adjoining two-storey building raised on a platform, set at right angles in the back

My comment:

I think it can only mean in the back since it is on a "terre-plein" (there should be a hyphen between terre and plein). it is like a perpendicular wing.