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Conges terminology question

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23 months ago

Obia Ranndy  See profile asked this question:

Language pair:

French > English


Arts / Entertainment

Level of diffculty:

Difficult / demanding

Word or term in question:

entre la langue et les dents


XXX s’est dit surprise d’être citée dans la pétition du Dr XXXX.
Elle a fait la genèse de son recrutement à la XXXX depuis 2015 et les bonnes relations entretenues avec l’ensemble du personnel, même si elle reconnaît que même entre la langue et les dents, il peut y avoir, de temps en temps de petites incompréhensions.





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Answers on this question

22 months ago

martynback  See my profile wrote:

...however good relations are, there can be misunderstandings.

My comment:

This is what it means.

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23 months ago

MatthewHallisy  See my profile wrote:

"Even when there's no room"

My comment:

She says that she was surprised at being cited by Dr. XXXX. Although she thought she made a good impression with all the staff, she didn't realize that she made a strong enough opinion to be cited by an expert. Even between the tongue and the teeth (where there is virtually no space), there can be small misunderstandings.

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23 months ago

CMD  See my profile wrote:

[ihere] on the phonation level

My comment:

... that there can be minor misunderstandings on the phonation level from time to time.
... that minor misunderstandings can occur from time to time on phonation level.

My references:

ad "entre la langue et les dents" ->
cf Merleau-Ponty, Phénoménologie de la perception / Phenomenology of Perception
--> "dent en tant qu'organe de la phonation:
Une contraction de la gorge, une émission d'air sifflante entre la langue et les dents" (Merleau-Ponty, Phénoménologie de la perception,1945, p. 226).

"Le langage à son tour ne pose pas d'autre problème : une contraction de la gorge, une émission d'air sifflante entre la langue et les dents, une certaine manière de jouer de notre corps se laisse soudain investir d'un sens figuré et le signifient hors de nous." --> i.e. "air whistling between the tongue and the teeth"
[ibid p. 244]

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Comments by other colleagues on this answer:

23 months ago

CMD  See profile wrote:

[phonation : act or process of producing speech sounds (organs of phonation)]

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23 months ago

CMD  See my profile wrote:

even if she recognizes that, as in the coordination between the tongue and the teeth, ...

My comment:

There is no such idiom as "entre la langue et les dents" with a figurative meaning. So I think that the phrase has no "hidden" meaning.
What I suppose is that there is a sort of close relation between the tongue and the teeth, not only because they are close to each other but also because they are supposed to have a perfect coordination.
But it does happen that there can be a wrong interaction: you can bite your tongue, or there is a slip of the tongue, etc.
So even between two "good friends" like the tongue and the teeth, there can be some misunderstanding.

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Comments by other colleagues on this answer:

23 months ago

CMD  See profile wrote:

the text is not well written. The a

23 months ago

CMD  See profile wrote:

the text is not well written. The author should have spelled "s'est dite surprise and should have avoided the repetition of "even" at the end of the sentence. That's why I suggested "as in" rather than "even in". Or you can write "although she recognizes that, even in..."

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