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Conges terminology question

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18 months ago

Obia Ranndy  See profile asked this question:

Language pair:

French > English


Technical / Engineering

Level of diffculty:

Difficult / demanding

Word or term in question:

méthodes choliques


Les actions d’extrémisme violent se sont multipliées et la première réponse purement militaire a montré ses limites.
C’est pour il est important d’identifier des méthodes choliques.


Research on violent extremism



The answer of Robert Tucker  See profile was rated best

anger control approaches

My comment:

"The programme includes teaching ‘life skills, empathy, anger control and active listening skills’, and conflict management skills workshops for parents and guardians."
Preventing violent extremism through education

"... a number of initiatives that aim to prevent involvement in risky behaviours (such as gangs and crime) use cognitive behavioural approaches based in social learning theory that seek to ‘correct’ maladaptive cognitions (e.g
beliefs, self statements, perceptions) and build positive coping skills (e.g. pro-social skills, anger control)."
Teaching approaches that help to build resilience to extremism among young people