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Conges terminology question

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28 months ago

Rosa (a guest user) asked this question:

Language pair:

French > English



Level of diffculty:

Easy / medium

Word or term in question:

Désinfection ROH


Consultation: douleur épaule gauche

ATCD: accident de route, dlr chronique depuis.

NOTE technique :
- Désinfection ROH x 3
- Infiltration ss bord inf. acromion en approche lat. avec aiguille 25

I know that ROH stands for alcohol consumption but unsure how that actually would fit here in this particular medical report?



The answer of Charles Ferguson  See profile was rated best

cleaning with isopropyl alcohol x3

My comment:

ROH is a recognised abbreviation for alcohol...quite right. An invasive procdure such as deployment of a locl anaesthetic, say lidocaine, through the skin should generally be preceded by cleansing with a wipe (eg a Steret or an Alcowipe).

My references:

personaal experience.